Did you know Google has scanned and put public domain books on the web? Did you know that Theobald Böhm’s An Essay on the Construction of Flutes is available here? Check it out.
Tag: History
Life Of Georges Barrere
Did you know that this book is available, to read, for free via Google? It is only PART of the book. About half, but still. Is that cool or what?
Period Recordings Of Marcel Moyse
Title pretty much says it all. They are old recordings (1930s), but man, the tone is amazing. I can only wonder what he’d sound like using modern equipment. I believe they used to make these straight to disc. Disc, meaning waxed disc. You can learn a little about the technology here and here (take Wikipedia with a grain of salt though).
The recordings are housed here:
The Patent Flute
I was searching the net tonight for drawings of a patent awarded Haynes for the design of a flute in 1917 (or somewhere around there) and I discovered this.
One of those strange designs that we might have been playing today if things had gone differently.
History Of Pitch On Flute
While surfing tonight, I came across this site which has some very interesting information about how pitch centers have changed throughout the years. I notice now that most flutes are A=442, and I just bought an old Haynes that is most likely A=440. I think my Yamaha flute is A=442.It’s an interesting website, and perhaps someone knows some other good ones.
Perfect Pitch Museum
Do you have perfect pitch? Can you listen to the howl of the wind, and say that it was blowing in D? Or that a two-tone clock strikes in B minor? This site explores the complexities of perfect pitch, which can be tricky, as there is relative pitch, perfect pitch, and absolute pitch. While some feel that it is an inherited gift, frequently encountered in the blind, others argue that it can be learned. There is a reference to the abilities of the young Mozart, which is to be expected, and a story about Ravel, who lost the ability to express his music, although it was still ‘in his head’. Some features, such as the historical fluctuation of concert A would be of more interest to musicians, but the examples in the section ‘Amazing Feats of the Ear’ would engage everyone else. The ‘Definitions for the Musically Disinclined’ is very helpful in this regard.
I personally believe that you can learn perfect pitch.