Wow…..sounds great!
Category: Videos
Beat Boxing 101 from The Man Himself
Basically, you need to listen to people who beat box in general, not just flute beat box.
Some Beatboxing Tutorials
Wish there were more of them…..
Flute Chats Interview with Greg Pattillo
Good interview with the beatboxing expert Greg Pattillo. Wish it was longer… 3 times longer…..
St. Thomas
Glissando Headjoint Is Out!
We mentioned Robert Dick’s Glissando Headjoint here before. It is now shipping for a $995 (-$100 if you are a registered student). Check it out.
Glissando Headjoint Demo from Robert Dick on Vimeo.
Matthias Ziegler
I came across these. Very cool stuff. Check out Matthias’s YouTube channel for more!
Contrabass Flute electroaccoustic
Alto flute electroaccoustic
3D Printed Concert Flute
You might have a printer at home, but do you have a 3D printer? Perhaps someday. These guys took a 3D printer and made a flute. Engadget has a link with a little more info.
Muramatsu Flute Overhaul
Sax On The Web (not sure why THEY have a Flute video…..anyhow) had a post showing a Muramatsu overhaul. Interesting stuff. I really need to overhaul my Yamaha flute and getting it done professionally would be close to $1000.
Donna Lee On Recorder
This guy has mad skills…….